Comfort Zone Stalker

2 years ago

Is God stalking your comfort zone? Life feels like a maze of density and very unclear at times. We can feel stuck in the “cattails of life” and very alone and isolated without any real clarity or fresh revelation. Nothing new under the sun. We tend to self-isolate because we are afraid of the new and what it will cost us, afraid of leaving our comfort zone. Are you not sure what the next life season will look like, yet you are very sure that it is going to change? Do you feel restless before God changes things up? I do. I don’t like change; I tend to resist change. This is a part of the human condition, the way we are shaped, in our natural, we sometimes are not open to change, yet the super force of God, pushes us up to the crossroad ( of the transformation that we need. The choice is ours; God never breaches our will; He wants us to have the free choice He gifted us with. But He will not give up, He will keep asking. God wants to do something new in our lives, so we grow through, spiritually mature and don’t stay stagnant. He wants to navigate us lovingly into new life seasons, yet we resist Him, we stay focused on what we can see, and our lack of faith traps us in the same old same old. Isn’t it time to shake off the old and step out into the SONshine of a new God adventure? Be strong and courageous and go with God, as He is doing something new and, no doubt about it, this change, He is the common denominator in it. Purposefully so, God has a transition for us, into the new that He has for us. Will we know it? (Read Isaiah 43 Will we let go and let God lead us into the new thing He has for us? The amazing thing is how God has pursued us and is asking us to step out of our comfort zone and move into the deep with Him. Thus and Therefore, We don’t step out alone, God has gone before us, He is right in front of us, clearing the path, and all we have to do is look up and follow after Him. Follow the Son. Easy-Peasy! God bless you! Dig Deeper:

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