We Are NOT a Democracy!

3 years ago

We are a Constitutional Republic.
*Not really but maybe we can (re)claim that in reality (ASAP!) and begin living that way. Actually, we can do it right now as part of the awakening and removal of all bodies that have taken a much more sinister approach to government. 100%... This does not mean there aren't well meaning people in office (very few!), they just don't know that they really are just gate keepers... keeping Lawyers (who are supposed to use only Constitutional Law) out. Most, if not all, of them (politicians especially, who are, by LAW, not allowed into American courts or congress - No Titles of Nobility {Esq}) are ATTORNEY'S. Sometimes it may behoove Lawyers to turn the tables and use Statutes against the attorneys.

A "Constitutional Attorney" is giving the speech.
*An "Attorney" is not a Law-yer. It is loosly used in conjunction with "lawyer"... Its use everywhere, movies especially, was designed to confuse people, just as "democracy" has been used. They cast their wordspells and we are under their spell(ing)... we learned "to spell" in school... Perfect training to make perfect slaves.
*To Attorn: Simply, the transfer of money (taxes) or property (for not paying taxes) to the Queen by authorized persons (attorneys) working for "Her Majesty".
*Attorney's are rooted in all of the rules, regulations and statutes... All of which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Yet they call all of those thing "LAWS". A massive spell!

*When you go to court (the queen) you hire an attorney. Rarely does anyone hire a person versed in Law... a LAWYER. So, BOTH SIDES hire attorney$ to bat the ball back and forth on the court. It does not matter to any of the court jesters who wins, because the queen, et al, will be paid by both sides. The entire club got paid! Double dipping? You betcha. Get it? Get this... Our country is still heavily entrenched under the spell of the queen and all her minions!

Another aside... the peasants being brought before the court cannot "pass the bar"... that fence which divides us from the elitist black robed impostors.

*By the way... The current, but deposed, Queen has always been an illegitimate fraud. (Much like our own government) The real reason the kids left the queen's temple.

I do very much respect both Sheriff Mack and the woman speaking, for educating Sheriffs of America (Not the United States corporation) so they understand their duty as true Constitutional Sheriffs.

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