VACCINE-SHEDDING FACT OR FICTOIN Based on science opinion, not profit-driven governmental PC-diction!

2 years ago

"Ohh Noo Noo Noo, Say It Isn't So"!!! Now I'm no doctor nor ever professed to be or speak for one on "Wikipedia-Social Media or TV", shouldn't we all be allowed to listen to our most trusted resource of non-governmental doctors who at their own expense push back against "Profit-Driven Government-PC"??? Now I've extensively researched both sides of this subject "Unbiased & Independently", after a year I came to the conclusion that I'll never again trust government doctors involved in a collective collaboration in "Complacent-Irrationality"!!! I ask all members in social-media two simple questions, #1 Can you even call it social-media where one side can not freely exchange ideas engaging in any form of rational "Open-Debate", when the other side of social media elites presumptively-dictate it's own editorial-editing-process involving "Bigotry & Hate"??? More importantly #2 When in reality all the known parameters of current-ideas & defined-science are "Constantly-Evolving & Ever-Changing", then is it social media's place to suppress any discussion of any subject while replacing it with PC-narratives in the form of "Subjective-Disruptive Power-Gaming"??? Now just for the record I do wholeheartedly respect Social-Media's right to publicly-disagree with anything in anyone's "Written Comment Or Post", but only to do so by providing a underlining additional link to a objectively stated opposing reinforced public or government opinion "As The Platform's Host"!!! When any tax-dollar publicly supported platform has to resort to censoring-blocking or deleting any "Reasonably Stated Opinion Or Position", then it is in fact conceding that if debated that opinion is valid in some way-shape or form while still not "Allowing It Under Any Condition"!!! That is the "True Undeniable Definition", of a oppressive & suppressive "Act of Political Contrition"!!! In one open "Public Admission", to being themselves "Underwritten Into Submission", proving the point that their platform is effectively operating as a "Political Dynasty Provision"!!! Now there are a few shining beacons of light that still "Do Exist", in my opinion Paler, Rumble & Roxycast are social media conservative "Perfect Fit's"!!! {LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Now to those others platforms who's sole purpose is to publicly sow "Decent, Discord & Division", I addressed my entire above statement as conjecture "In My Humble Opinion", that in one specific case is in full compliance with & within FB's own policies of "Their Current Revision"!!!} PERIOD!!!

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