Bringing Praxeology to Leadership - Ep 229

2 years ago

When someone begins to study "praxeology," basically why humans act, they begin to understand the forces that created such an economic advancement over the last 200 years.

People, for the first time ever were MOTIVATED to and ENCOURAGED to IMPROVE THE WORLD and BENEFIT FROM THEIR IMPROVEMENTS. The individuals had good ideas. Not just the tyrants.

It would be hypocritical to credit this awakening that good ideas flow best from the bottom up... And not embrace those same values within the walls of our own companies.

Charles Koch has built his entire company on these values and this may be the ember that catches the entire world of business on fire. Not enough people watched as he built an amazing company upon these principles.

Koch Industries is like a capitalist economy within an economy. Interesting stuff and, in my opinion, as game changing to the future of business as capitalism and markets have been to civilization.

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