VIETNAM Part Deux / Rolo Tamasi DEMS

3 years ago


Al and Chris talk about the US withdrawal of Afghanistan and subsequent lightning quick Taliban takeover, the performative radicalism behind the eviction moratorium, revisit the Central Park Karen story - "now with FACTS!", Obama’s Covid Bash, The Lab Leak Theory co-option by Neo cons, & Hunter Biden's 3rd "stolen" Laptop.

Introducing Rolo Tomassi – Now a recurring theme on Beyond Narratives. A concept that originated from the film L.A. Confidential, in relation to people who have in unlimited immunity. In the case of the hypocrisy of the Corporate Democras, it doesn’t matter what proof you bring to the table. There will always be word salad professors, corporate media apparatus, and panels of experts who will cover for them, while their cult voter base will navigate the minefield to settle on being apologists to the hypocrisy. This sinking feeling of seeing them always get away with it deserves a catchphrase – Rolo Tomassi. Joe Biden just held a press conference to assure the world that Afghanistan will not be another Vietnam. Less than 24 hours passed before we got to see imagery of Taliban inside the Presidential building. Biden will pull the biggest Rolo Tomassi in recent history. Make no mistake.

L.A Confidential Rolo Tomassi

The Real Story of “The Central Park Karen”

'Defund the police' advocate Cori Bush hired police as private security, costing officers their jobs

Ana Kasparian Smears Tulsi Gabbard & Glenn Greenwald For Joining Rumble

Tech Oligarchy smears competition as ‘wannabes’

At least 74 people on Martha's Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since Barack Obama's maskless 60th birthday bash - the most cases on the island since April

Author of Wall Street Journal “Wuhan lab” story wrote lies about Iraqi “Weapons of Mass Destruction”

Biden assuring that Afghanistan is not like Vietnam

Hunter Biden Laptop

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