8-17-21 Military Arrest's Andrew Cuomo and Much More

2 years ago

Military Arrests Andrew Cuomo
Disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo is in military custody and will face a military tribunal for his role in coercing NY State health officials to artificially inflate Covid-19 fatality numbers during the initial wave of the Plandemic.
On Sunday, August 15, U.S. Navy Seals under JAG authority arrested Cuomo at property he leases in East Hampton, NY. A JAG spokesperson told RRN that the SEALS suffered no casualties but had to subdue two of Cuomo’s bodyguards, both of whom the SEALs incapacitated using non-lethal force.
Cuomo could face these charges if arrested on Brittany Commisso allegations
Former Cuomo executive assistant Commisso has filed a complaint with Albany County sheriff

Pentagon Refuses To Answer Question On Taliban Obtaining US Weaponry, Equipment
The Department of Defense evaded a question about whether it is acting to prevent the Taliban from obtaining U.S. weapons in Afghanistan.

A top U.S. military official said he doesn’t “have information” about an effort to seize military equipment the U.S. gave to the fallen Afghanistan government and has since been taken by Taliban insurgents, during a press briefing Monday. Major General Hank Taylor, the U.S. Strategic Command chief of staff, repeatedly evaded questions about the Taliban potentially obtaining scores of U.S. technology

China's mouthpiece newspaper suggests U.S. will abandon Taiwan after Afghan collapse
China's provocations show the messy U.S. exit from Afghanistan has larger global implications

Outrage as Biden ‘Accidentally’ Reveals Identities of CIA Agents During Video Conference
The Joe Biden clown show just ‘accidentally’ exposed the identities of CIA agents during a video conference with VP Harris. Outrage on social media ensued with intel officials like Richard Grenell asking, “who took this picture outing Intel officials?”

The White House shared this image of Joe Biden meeting via video conference with Kamala Harris and other national security officials to discuss the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan. Conservatives noticed that the White House may have outed CIA operatives in the boxes labeled CIA and Doha Station.

Biden administration has dumped 40,000 Covid-positive migrants into US cities
Mark Morgan, a top US border official under Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, reportedly estimated that the Biden administration has dropped at least 40,000 illegal aliens infected with Covid-19 into American cities.
Morgan called the estimate “conservative” in an interview on Thursday with the Washington Examiner. He had previously pegged the overall number of illegal migrants released into the US since President Joe Biden took office in January at 270,000.







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