Your Lives Have Not Been Wasted

3 years ago

Your Lives Have Not Been Wasted

The sweet peace and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Well, tonight He's given me a message, once step ahead of the devil as far as protecting us from the lies of the enemy. That comes in a little bit towards the end of this message.

Immediately upon coming into prayer my Lord and I were on a low lit dance floor together, alone, dancing to a worship song, Kari Jobe's song "Beautiful," which is a masterpiece of intimacy in worship. That's what was playing. I was wearing my wedding gown, and for the second time since I abstained from sweets (my little offering to the Lord since I can't do a full-on fast) I felt so totally connected to His Beautiful heart, it just took my breath away. You know, I came into prayer and began to worship and it was like He...ohh, like He inhaled me! It was so sweet and so powerful and so anointed.

Every once in awhile, we would look into each other's eyes and get lost in them, so much euphoria...just a lifting up off the ground into the heavenliness of His Being. Tears of joy trickled down my cheeks, I was so caught up and enthralled with My God's love for me.

He was so present to me, almost as if Ezekiel and I were dancing. And I thought to myself, 'This feels familiar to me, like what I have felt in the presence of my husband when he holds me, very purely to his heart.'

And Jesus answered me and said, "Yes, I love you like he does."

And I pondered that. My husband is a very kind and affectionate man and no one has ever loved me as purely as he does, almost to an excess...if you could say that, if that were possible. He is constantly praying over me, wanting to just sit with me and be in my presence when, for instance, we are praying or eating dinner together.

There's absolutely no sexual passion involved in it - it is a deep respect, an amazing recognition of our souls that overwhelms us with gratitude for the love we have for one another.

And I felt this with Jesus tonight and He confirmed it. "Yes, I love you like Ezekiel loves you. I live in him, can you feel it?"

Now that you mention it Lord, yes, I can.

"Yes, it is My presence in Him that adores you and My presence in you that makes you feel that way about him. That is the way I intended marriage to be. That is why when you grow older, sexual desire fades into the background and what emerges is a sublime and holy love for one another. That is why it is so important to marry the right man, so that in your later years you can enjoy the finer dimensions of love."

Oh, Jesus, I could spend the entire night this way.

"So could I." He answered. "Tonight perhaps you've gotten a glimpse into how much I love you? Hmm?"

Yes, I believe I did. My heart is truly at rest.

"We are practicing for our wedding dance." He said. "Don't you feel how near it is, Clare?"

I do, Lord, I am feeling it again.

He continued, "Our time is SO close, My Darling, so very close and every promise I have ever made I will indeed fulfill. You have only to keep putting your hand to the plow and till the soil for the seeds, then comes the Harvest. But now you are indeed still working in the fields and every day that goes by you are netting more fish! Believe Me, there has been a wonderful harvest of souls from this channel, but nothing in proportion to what it will be like when you are gone. Then it will be bursting at the seams!!!

"I wanted to reassure you that you are on the right track no matter how many condemnations are hurled at you."

Lord what is on your mind, tonight?

"Well, I do want to talk about the harvest of souls that is coming. I want to assure all My Brides on this channel that what they have sown while here on this Earth, they are going to reap an immense harvest from. It is difficult for you to see what the repercussions of your holy life is going to have on those who knew you. Suffice it to say that, when you some day see it, a holy shock will set in. 'Jesus did THAT through my poor little life?'

"The sufferings of persecution, labor and disappointment will continue to fuel conversions. There is a huge underground pocket of grace waiting to alight on souls who have been prepared for conversion. Imagine the oil fields. The farmers had such a rough time sustaining crops to live off of and then one day that black stuff trickled up from the ground. It was at first a nuisance but then when discovery set in, it was seen as pure black gold.

"You remember the dream Ezekiel had about the mountain property?"

Uh...You mean the one where there were gemstones lying just beneath the soil and every time we needed something all he had to do was move the dirt aside and collect a valuable faceted gem?

"Yes, that dream. You didn't know its meaning at the time but now you do. All that you suffered and experienced on that mountain was an offering to Me that now, in this day, is bearing fruit. Just so, the lives of all that have been dedicated to Me and seem barren now are going to spring into bloom in the Great Harvest.

"That is why I have taught you not to look for results, just to be faithful to Me, doing all you know in your hearts that I've called you to do. Those who look for results and rewards in this world are easily discouraged. But those who seek the reward only of making Me happy and accomplishing My will, they will be rewarded tremendously by the harvest of souls they fueled by their lives. Is it not said that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church?

"Well, many, many have suffered a white martyrdom. They have not seen what their sacrifices have accomplished. I wish to tell you all, even if you do not see the harvest, your lives have not been in vain. You will see that in the end. And most amazingly, the simple, unrecognized praying housewives and men will be beside themselves with joy when they see what their prayers have wrought and the positions I appoint to them in Heaven. Those who have been faithful with what I have given them are going to get a promotion that is literally 'out of this world.' Yes, all who have labored for me will be beside themselves in joy.

"As we draw closer to your time of departure, I do not want any of you to fall into despair that your life has been worthless. Just because you are not a great evangelist or famous pastor does not mean you do not have an orchard full of fruit. Understand that it is the underpinning of your prayers that is responsible for those who bring in a huge harvest.

"When you attend a revival, such as Billy Graham has organized, and you see a young man go to the front and receive Me, know that it is the mother's prayers that birthed that young man into My kingdom, not Billy Graham, who has also received his anointing because of the prayers of others. He was anointed to cast the net, but it was the current in the great ocean, the prayers and supplications offered that drew them into the net at just the right time. This is so misunderstood on Earth, but in My Kingdom it is readily recognized.

"That is why so many who visit Heaven are amazed at the simple people that have been exalted to positions of great authority. I have been watching the hearts of My Brides, transformed into hearts very much like My own. I have seen their wounds, the scorn and contempt, the rejection, the acts of forgiveness - and their hearts look so very much like Mine. Many look for a Queen, but I look for a servant. I am a King, but I came as a servant. This is why the Bride must resemble the Groom.

"Do not imagine that fame and influence will follow you into Heaven. No, it shall be stripped from your person and all that will remain are the kindnesses and prayers you offered to the needy. All you sacrificed in your labors of love for Me will shine like the noonday sun. So great will the splendor of your glory that one from Earth will only be able to see you with great difficulty. This especially is the reward of My anonymous ones, whose only motive was love. I am telling you these things to encourage and strengthen you, for as I told you there will be many assaults against you, against your faith and hope in Me, in the coming days.

"Bring this message to remembrance and keep it accessible so that you can refer to it and put out the flaming darts of the enemy who will attempt to draw you into despair before I come for you. Many of you are weak and you need this comfort. Hold onto it, read it when temptation sets in. There are those of you on this channel who have been in the center of My will for decades, and yet the enemy has convinced you otherwise. And now that you have grown old you look back on your lives as if they had no fruit. Oh, how mistaken you are! Your good will and devotion to Me, even though you were perhaps thwarted in ministry, has netted for you thousands of souls. Yes, thousands of souls. You will see this and rejoice.

"In closing, do not allow anything to frighten or discourage you or condemn your lives. If you loved Me with all your heart, I used EVERY thing you suffered to fill My Kingdom with souls. So, rejoice in even your failures. Just wait until you see what they accomplished for Me!"

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