Known Safety Problems of Coronavirus Vaccines - Hotez Offit Fauci Gates

2 years ago

0:00 Failed previous experiments with coronavirus vaccines - seemed successful at first when they developed robust antibodies, but when animals were exposed to wild coronavirus they all died.
01:04 Dr Peter Hotez Baylor University - Unique safety problem of coronavirus vaccines
01:28 Dr Paul Offit - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Coronavirus vaccines make binding antibodies - binding antibodies cause Antibody Dependent Enhancement
2:17 Dr Anthoni Fauci - NIH - Skipped animal testing in these rushed vaccines despite knowing the deadly outcomes - yet in previous years says the worst possible thing you can do is vaccinate someone to prevent infection and actually make them worse.
03:16 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - funding all the vaccines. Vaccine companies have complete immunity from legal actions.

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