The govt, after more than a year, has learned that many masks just don't work. They so smart!

3 years ago

This "new info" is from Biden’s top covid advisor Michael Osterholm.

So the government finally knows, after more than a year, about something that was so freaking obvious...That many of the masks that people wear are not very effective in helping them fight Covid. WHAT A SHOCK!!!!!!

Like bandanas. Those clearly did nothing to help, but the government was 100% OK with people wearing them. And people foolishly did.

So tell me. How does it make any sense for a government, who said they cared about the safety of citizens SOOOOO MUCH, to never tell them what type of masks to wear and what type to not wear? And to just tell people "Cover your face!"?

Also think about the fact that Governors, who make the mask mandates, get caught, more than once, breaking the rules they say they care so much about. And after they do get caught. All they do is apologize. They never receive any punishment. Citizens do though.

Oh. And after they get caught and "lovingly" apologize, with no punishment, they still make it to where citizens can be punished.

The biggest scam ever is being played on people worldwide.

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