Ep. 640 - Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Trauma, Open Your Heart, Restore Your Soul

3 years ago

8-23-21 Allen Cardoza Interviews Tracee Dunblazier

Does your lot in life have you down? Claim your history, own your power, and change your life! In this groundbreaking book, Tracee Dunblazier takes an in-depth look at your karmic relationships! What the heck is karma, though? We hear this word thrown around quite often, usually in a negative context to mean "You'll get what's coming to you." or the like.

Now we're delving into how your relationship to this seemingly nebulous concept can actually affect your life, and we're saying that getting it together, karma-wise, will actually make life easier? Sounds like something we're ready to sign up for, and during your interview with Tracee, we're sure everyone listening will agree! These relationships are actually the repetitive patterns that position you in life. The restoration of every soul, and the systems that govern them, get an overhaul.

Karma is not punishment and reward; it is the reassurance that we will inevitably experience all we are and all we have created for others through reincarnation and spiritual patterning. In this amazing interview, Tracee shares how this wisdom will inspire change on every level. You will understand what karma is and learn all the ways to reveal, accept, forgive, and transform your connections with others as we all move toward the divine.

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