8-16-21 Barr Executed By Military, BIDEN’S SAIGON: Afghans Fall from Plane Fleeing Kabul Airport

2 years ago

Military Eliminates William Barr.
As the Deep State ratchets up attacks by perpetuating Covid-19 paranoia and waging a relentless war on freedom of speech, the U.S. military is working tirelessly behind the scenes to eradicate forces of evil that have dedicated their lives to abolishing the Constitution and enslaving law-abiding American citizens. The latest to fall was none other than former Attorney General William Barr, whom the military put to death on August 2.

JOE BIDEN’S SAIGON: Afghans Fall from Plane Fleeing Kabul Airport — Crowds at Airport Worse than Withdrawal from Vietnam
A man was seen falling from a plane leaving the Kabul International Airport today during the chaos in Afghanistan.
Here is another shot of the victim falling from the plane.

ABSOLUTE HORROR As Afghans Chase Massive US Military Plane Down Runway in Kabul — Desperate Afghan Civilians Cling to Landing Gear During Takeoff

Media Does Something Right, Releases Scathing Report on Chris Cuomo, CNN
Regular readers probably know that Janice Dean is no fan of either disgraced ex-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo or his brother, CNN guy Chris “Fredo” Cuomo. But, let’s be honest — that’s no secret to any American who’s followed the twin scandals that the former faced as an corrupt Democrat politician in a state with no dearth of them. If that sounds like hyperbole, keep in mind that the last three, elected Empire state governors have been forced to resign.





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