Former ISI chief Hamid Gul remembered.

2 years ago

Former ISI chief Hamid Gul remembered.
Former director general (DG) of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) General Hamid Gul’s sixth death anniversary was observed with reverence and respect participated by his family members and party Tehreek Jawanan Pakistan and Kashmir (TJP) activists.
General Hamid Gul in the 1980s was a military commander, and served as the head of the country’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency from 1987 to 1989, said a news release issued on the General’s death anniversary remembering his historic statements about Afghanistan.
This happened during an attempt to continue the support, which eventually led to the defeat of the Soviet military and political forces during the Afghan War, it added.
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General Hamid Gul was not only a general but also a man of great ingenuity and political insight.
His predictions about Afghanistan came true.

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