Dictator in Chief

2 years ago

[00:30] Smackdown From DeSantis (17 minutes)

Joe Biden’s administration has singled out Florida for its number of COVID-19 cases. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is getting in the way of the federal government, says Biden’s press secretary. This week, Governor DeSantis rebuked Biden for “importing” COVID positives from all over the world because he won’t secure the southern border.

[17:55] Another Communist Power Grab (17 minutes)

Yesterday, Joe Biden extended his illegal eviction moratorium. This represents another blatantly unconstitutional attack from the radical left.

[34:50] Rasmussen Reports (5 minutes)

Rasmussen released a poll showing the popular support for photo ID when voting. According to that poll, “74 percent of voters support photo ID requirement.”

[39:40] Bible Study: No More Delay (14 minutes)

When God gave His Church the “little book” of Revelation 10—Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today—prophetic events accelerated! This is because the world entered what the Bible calls a time of “no more delay.”

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