Covid-19's Medicine Life Immunity Deathless with No Side Effects - COVERUP

3 years ago

What are the Republicans base, the Intellectual Democrats and Conservatives and the others afraid off to investigate and discover?

For the sake of saving your life, your relative and your friends, humanity, you're compelled to seek the truth about the cover up of the SARS-Cov2 deatless, Lifetime immunity regardless of its variants medicine produced, using a BIO Natural Technology of the CHILI'S PROTEIN extraction, as described in my executive summary description desk of the medicine to Ennaid Therapeutics Company and ASSOCIATES, in July 2020.

The United States health Organisations along with the former President Donald Trump's administration or close relatives know about this miraculous medicine to end the fear of Covid-19 and return to normality. But no one seems to question the outcome of where is your God's saviour medicine for Covid-19. It takes love for your nation, your courage and intelligence and integrity to save lives.

Why did they choose to hide it from you?

I briefed and asked the leadership of Congress and Senate in March 2020, some members of Congress and the Senate, the Secretary general of the UN and recently to the Director of the World Health Organisation to investigate. See letters published on our website: No feedback received from them...

The news Outlet in the USA who also received the briefing did not respond...But we need answers to many questions, such as:

Who purchased the medicine/cure Formula/Ingredient and Technology from Ennaid Therapeutics Company and Patented it in the USA? Not Ennaid Therapeutics Company.

Only then could the World return to normality, by using the right medicine/cure for Covid-19, the one produced with the Chili's Protein Extraction... Other products for Covid-19 out there are FAKES and Poisonous to your body in the short and long term. CHEMISTRY CHANGE.

Christian Bernard Magnongui
Tel/Messages: +1-631-540-5810
Instagram: @bercmag

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