What Didn't Happen in 1986 August 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

2 years ago

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What Didn't Happen in 1986 August 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

In fact, it's a much longer list of things that didn't happen, but let's start with what didn't happen in 1986, because that is the more immediate cause of everything else.
Remember Ronald Reagan and the Grace Commission? This Think Tank effort was an analysis of the so-called Federal Debt and the findings of the Grace Commission were alarming. The Grace Commission report detailed the enormity of the Federal Debt and such juicy factoids as the point that all the taxes collected by the IRS were going simply toward paying off part of the interest on the Federal Debt.
Naturally, this news created consternation and alarm at the time.
It meant that, absent abundant new resources, the US was fighting a losing battle with compound interest --- forget about funding roads and schools and everything else that the country actually needs.
Apparently, the Reagan Administration didn't know that there were two sets of books involved, so the debt wasn't paid down.
The essence of this conundrum is that the actual debt is owed to the American People, who are and who have always been the Priority Creditors. But in order to access our credit, the Federal Government has been borrowing money from Third Parties, most notably, China.
Imagine that you lock up all your money in a safe so that you can't get at it, and wander around constantly begging and borrowing against it, so that you have to have Third Parties investing at interest in order to pay your current bills?
That's what the Federal Subcontractors have been doing. So you not only get stuck with the bill, you also have to pay heavy interest on borrowed money. And it's that interest on the debt that was shown to be eating us alive all those years ago.
But what about our money? Wasn't it being reinvested and earning interest, too?
Of course, it was.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/08/what-didnt-happen-in-1986.html

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