Best Foods to Eat in the Morning

3 years ago

Despite what you may have heard, eating breakfast isn’t necessary for everyone. In fact, skipping breakfast may be better than eating unhealthy breakfast foods.
However, a nutritious, well-balanced breakfast can give you energy and prevent you from eating too much during the rest of the day.
Here are the 6 best foods you can eat in the morning.

Eggs are undeniably healthy and delicious.
Studies have shown that eating eggs at breakfast increases feelings of fullness, reduces calorie intake at the next meal and helps maintain steady blood sugar and insulin levels.
In one study, men who ate eggs for breakfast felt more satisfied and took in fewer calories during the rest of the day than those who consumed a bagel.
Eggs are also one of the best sources of choline, a very important nutrient for brain and liver health.

What’s more, three large eggs provide about 20 grams of high-quality protein.
Eggs are also very versatile. For example, hard-boiled eggs make a great portable breakfast that can be prepared ahead of time.

Coffee is an amazing beverage to start your day.
It’s high in caffeine, which has been shown to improve mood, alertness and mental performance.
Even small amounts of caffeine can achieve these effects.
coffee is rich in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation, protect the cells lining your blood vessels and decrease diabetes and liver disease risk.

Oatmeal is the best breakfast choice for cereal lovers.
It’s made from ground oats, which contain a unique fiber called oat beta-glucan. This fiber has many impressive health benefits, including reduced cholesterol.
Though oats don’t contain gluten, they’re often processed in the same facilities as gluten-containing grains. Researchers have found that most oats are indeed contaminated with other grains, especially barley.
Therefore, people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity should choose oats that have been certified as gluten-free.

Berries are delicious and packed with antioxidants.
Popular types include blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries.
They’re lower in sugar than most fruits, yet higher in fiber.
Berries also pack antioxidants called anthocyanins, which protect your heart and may help you age better.

A good way to add berries to your breakfast is to eat them with Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.

5.Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.
It contains caffeine, which improves alertness and mood, along with raising metabolic-rate.
Green tea provides only 35–70 mg of caffeine per cup, which is about half the amount in coffee.
Green tea may be especially helpful against diabetes. A review of 17 studies found that green tea drinkers had reductions in blood sugar and insulin-levels.

Flaxseeds are incredibly healthy.
They’re rich in viscous fiber, which helps you feel full for several hours after eating.
Flaxseeds may also improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels, as well as protect against breast cancer.
Try adding flaxseeds to Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or a smoothie to increase the fiber and antioxidant content of your breakfast.

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