Two Oakland County nurses speak about going from "Hero" to "Zero", "Essential" to "Expendable.

2 years ago

Two Oakland Country nurses, employed by the Henry Ford health care system, speak out about their choice of "get vaccinated or resign".

They discuss how they worked through the pandemic, deployed to Covid units without being given a choice, lack of PPE, denied the promised "Covid pay" and now are facing harassment, coercion and intimidation daily for having questions about the mandatory vaccination policy.

Their employers are offering a $10 000 sign-on bonus and $25 per hour extra pay to replace the nurses who won't comply. They are actively recruiting Canadian nurses and agency nurses to fill their positions.

"As nurses we are taught that we are our patients’ advocate and we should always speak up for them, but here we are and I can’t even advocate for myself, my body or my choice with my employer."

"Hopefully you will be so lucky that you won’t have to choose between your job and being vaccinated. I ask that you do your own research outside of the mainstream media."

NOTE: One of the nurses mentioned that all of the patients she currently treats with Covid are fully vaccinated.

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