S1/E7 - There Goes The Neighborhood; California Fascists Go After Home Ownership

3 years ago

In this edition Jon and Joe discuss the increasing totalitarianism being now opening exerted using various aspects of the ongoing pandemic hoax. Beginning with such actions as self-quarantines, establishment lock downs and mask mandates as preliminary exercises in mental conditioning, we explore the obvious, drawing comparisons to newly proposed mandatory vaccinations documented by vaccine passports in order to participate in ordinary life events such as eating out, going to the gym and entering retail outlets Jon conveys the similarities to Nazi Germany where the Final Solution started out by marking Jewish establishments and eventually Jews themselves with the Star of David. We also speculate the push for vaccinations is more about the probability of the government halving to subsidize profit losses by pharmaceutical companies due to the failure to convince everyone to get vaccinated. As vaccines expire past their shelf life, who will pay for the loss of revenue promised manufacturers of the vaccines? Our interview was with Susan Kirsch, Director of Community Catalysts, one of several grass-root organizations fighting against California Senate Bills, SB9 & 10 which seeks to abolish future building of single family dwellings and the redeveloping of such dwellings into multi-tiered housing units for social engineering purposes.

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