The Anglosphere Is Committing Suicide

2 years ago

00:30 One Proud American Wrestler (11 minutes)

In a world glutted with anti-Americanism, Olympian Tamyra Mensah-Stock is a breath of fresh air. At a press briefing yesterday in Tokyo, she exclaimed: “I love representing the U.S.!”

11:15 Wuhan Lab Cover-up (12 minutes)

Last year, when President Donald Trump blamed China and the Wuhan lab for COVID-19, the propaganda media rushed to defend the Chinese Communist Party. They continued to cover up the facts for well over a year. Now we finally know the truth.

23:20 An Unpopular President (11 minutes)

According to a YouGov America poll, only 26 percent of Americans “strongly approve” of Joe Biden’s presidency. A whopping 42 percent “strongly disapprove.” In looking at all the unpopular policies of this illegitimate administration, you can see why Biden’s poll numbers are sinking.

34:00 Death by Suicide (5 minutes)

The Daily Wire reported a poll that shows “1.8 million Americans have turned down job offers in order to stay on unemployment insurance.” America and other nations of Israel are surrendering to the pandemic.

39:35 Bible Study: Delivering Malachi’s Message ( 13 minutes)

When God gives new revelation, He expects His servants to proclaim the message. In this second segment, we continue our Bible study on the subject of Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today.

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