That Sweet Spot South of Eden

3 years ago

“Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four headwaters. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. The gold of that land is good; aromaric resin and the onyx stone are there as well” - Genesis 2:10-12 KJV.

Hey babies, I’m picking up on something in the spirit. Utterances like this are how I grapple for an understanding. I think you may pick out the key words. It appears that our current variant of the dollar is at an end. What’s even more evident is that elites have seen this coming for decades. So it is that we see all these rumors of a “Great Reset”. A new economic system is about to roll out and these elites think they are ahead of the game. But the children of the Kingdom are now awakened to the storehouses of heaven that are opened to them. The provision of the Father is literally surpassing and overlapping every corporation, distributor, and store shelve we encounter. Slaves grope for toilet paper whilst money handlers stand apart, pulling strings and laughing. Do you really think God was going to sit this out??? It’s not like we’ve even got to choose between any “Great Awakening” and the “Great Reset”. This wealth transfer is just going to happen! There’s not any haste or anxiety about getting ready or being left behind. The economy is just going to change - for the better! And we’ll all have a new, fresh environment to conduct our business!

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