Johnny Come Lately August 11, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Johnny Come Lately August 11, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Many of you have asked about the "$500 Trillion Lawsuit" and wanted me to comment.
The people bringing these charges don't have standing.
The things they are objecting to are certainly true, but if you don't have standing to bring charges, you don't have standing, so, it's useless.
Standing is a matter of jurisdiction and capacity, and none of these clueless people have bothered to correct their political status.
So, at best, they will be ignored, or at worst, misidentified as insurrectionists.
All their "Orders" will fall on deaf ears, because they don't have standing.
They haven't got a clue what it takes to establish standing, either, and won't learn or listen.
We have done everything that is necessary, have raised all the complaints and charges, acquired all the liens, etc;, etc., etc., and they don't have a clue.
So, that's the sorry state of affairs revealed by Scott Workman's diatribe.
For starters, he states, "Due Process has now been served upon you." ---- that's not "Due Process".
Due Process is what I did for years --- three Notices with proper curing time and service at each and every step.
The organizers of this law suit are correct that this situation is an "ongoing criminal enterprise", but they have no clue whatsoever what they are up against or what is necessary.
They are not even in "our" jurisdiction, and they are pushing this crap as a "Declaration of Restoration" as "a citizen of the United States". This is nonsense.
These people are so clueless, that they don't recognize that "a citizen of the United States" is a Municipal citizen of the district United States ---- not an American, not anyone with any right or claim to anything related to the original Declaration, not anyone with standing to pursue such claims.
It is pathetic that these Wannabes are here spouting all this, wasting all their words and money, and courting arrest as insurrectionists, when they think that they are in charge.
It doesn't work like that.

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