Exodus in OurDay

3 years ago

What does the Bible story of the Exodus have to do with us living in the 21st century? Like so many of the stories in the Bible, the Exodus is far more than simply a story, it was written as an example for us, it contains many lessons and has many parallels to our lives today as we move towards the close of time. Just as God rescued His people the Israelites from bondage and slavery in ancient Egypt and led them through the wilderness of Sinai to the literal promised land of Canaan, so God today seeks to rescue His people, spiritual Israel, from bondage and slavery to sin and worldliness, and leads them through wilderness experiences to their promised land, the heavenly Canaan. Likewise just as Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he sought to annihilate God’s people, so the powers existing in our time today will seek to do the same to God’s last-day people as we enter into the final closing moments of earth’s history. We will see that the plagues which fell on the ancient Egyptians are a type of the plagues that will fall on the wicked at the end of time, and how, like Moses, we each must pass through a wilderness experience to find God and be taught to follow His will.

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