“Tolerant” LGBTQ mob harasses and mocks a man being baptized in public

3 years ago

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One of things that is very common here in for Christians here in Romania who have have been pulled out of the clutches of Eastern Orthodoxy (which is the national religion here and for many very much tied to their identity as Romanians) is to experience some form of humiliation, or being shamed by those around them and even their families when they are baptized as an evangelical believer. It is considered a public renunciation and denunciation of Eastern Orthodoxy.

For this reason many Christians and churches here have wrongfully placed more weight on getting baptized than they should. Many people are not even considered true Christians until they are baptized. Sadly, this has even caused some to hold baptism to have some salvific quality to it...
However, I feel that many in the West also equally treat baptism wrongfully as well. They often place little weight on it or do not consider it as being as important in living the Christian life as it is. If we are honest, we are often very guilty of treating it much more casually than we ought. I truly believe that this is a result of not having any real cost of following Christ publicly and formally declaring it through baptism... It has been often been treated indifferently by those who do not share our faith so as a result we often don't think much of it...

But this is changing...

The Western world is being given over by God to a reprobate and debased mind to not only walk in decadent immorality but also applaud others who practice them as well... As a result their hatred for truth grows and with it comes a hostility towards those who would dare to proclaim it publicly and shine brightly in the darkness... In such an environment the stigma that will be attached to things like Christian baptism will certainly grow... And in fact it already has...

A member of my church today sent me this clip of a man who had come to faith getting baptized and both him and the man baptizing him were being harassed so heavily by the clearly tolerant LGBTQ folks that the police had to be called in so that they could do the baptism. And even with police presence there they were still mocked and ridiculed throughout...In the years to come perhaps the police won't respond to such things... Either way, count the cost and stand like these men did.

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