Pulled In By The Collar

2 years ago

Pulled In By The Collar: A World War II Cinematic - By: The Manager

After the Treaty of Versailles was signed, ending World War I, and the formation of the league of Nations, there was a major instability in Europe. Germany was not allowed to have a military force and was forced to pay war bonds, as well as Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. Germany didn't like that as they were going through, along with the rest of the world, a major economic crash. So Germany had no hope, but they looked to one person who was running for leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. He was very emotional and very dramatic with his speeches, which is what caught the Public's eye in the first place. He believed Germany must blame their war loss on something other than themselves to help regain their economy. So Hitler started to target people of Jewish culture and decent. He also said that Germany doesn't have enough "Lebensraum", which means Living space in German. While Germany was conquering a few places around Europe, Churchill though nothing of it, as he though that if they let him have what he wanted, he would stay quiet. Then there was the Munich conference, in which Hitler wanted a part of Czechoslovakia called The Sudetenland. Which Churchill promptly agreed. Later though, Hitler conquered the rest of Czechoslovakia. Everyone only started having problems when Hitler tried to invade Poland and succeeded. When he did so, France retaliated, and go conquered, one of the most famous battles of World War two happened in this timeframe, The Battle of Dunkirk. After that, the Nazis tried to invade Russia, but just before the Nazis could get to Stalingrad, winter hit, and the most important battle in history took place, as Russia almost lost, and Stalin almost lost the city in his name. This turned the tables for World War Two, as the Nazis had a major downfall after the battle of Stalingrad. Just before Russia could get their hands on Hitler while invading Berlin, Him and his newly wedded wife committed suicide to not face the consequences of their actions.

While this was happening in Europe, On December 7th, 1941, Japan attacked pearl Harbor as a surprise attack. And America also had its own important battle which turned the tides of the war, The Battle of Midway. Four Japanese Carriers were sunk, which turned the ties of the War in the pacific and gave the U.S. Air superiority almost immediately after walking onto an island. Japan wouldn't surrender after the U.S. captured everything but the Japanese mainland, so to try to get Japan to surrender, as well as to show Russia how scary we are, we dropped Little Boy, a Nuclear bomb working with fission using uranium. Then just three days later, Fat Man was dropped working with plutonium, which ultimately got the Japanese empire to surrender and let the U.S. come out victorious.

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