Best & Taylor Intelligence Review (8/13/2021): Nothings That Mean Everything — MUST UPDATE!

3 years ago

War Drums, China, Israel, Jab, Nanobots, Frequency, Hoax, Poison, Antichrist, UFO, Arrival…

Lockdowns, Mandates, Transhumanism, Abominations, Delusions, Race Wars and much more as we unravel the news of the day and expose the hidden agenda of Antichrist, who is rising right under our noses already. His system is being put into place and the vast majority of humanity cannot and will not see or understand what is being done to them by the “power bosses” of the world. Enoch records the end of these “rich men” that have sold their soul to Satan and his system of mammon, all of this world. More evidence emerges of how the rich men have a noose around the world and are slowly removing all freedoms of the masses and they herd them like cattle into the New World Order. Those that refuse are to be destroyed by any means possible and much more on this extended broadcast… —Stewart Best

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