Using the Mobilization Magic Tool for neck mobilization and for Headaches Tutorial

2 years ago

The inventor of the Mobilization Magic Tool MMT shows you how to use it to get your neck moving again and to eliminate headaches
Physio Designed Massage Tool
The Mobilization Magic Tool MMT is proving to be the Massage Tool of choice. It is a self-myofascial release tool that produces strong concentrated pressure required to stretch the very tuff strong myofascial fibers.

Most Mobility tools have a large diameter like 150mm for foam rollers and trigger balls. This large diameter produces a diffuse pressure profile which struggles to stretch tight fascia effectively.

The beauty of the MMT Massage Tool is that it has 2 heights for different parts of the body and has a 25mm diameter which creates the concentrated force required to stretch seriously tight muscles and fascia. It allows you to self massage in a way that is not possible with other tools. Trigger Points are eliminated in a very short time due to the concentrated pressure the tool produces.

Mobility requires that muscles be at the functionally optimum length and that joints Range Of Movement (ROM) be as loose as needed to perform the daily workout.

People who exercise use Massage Tools like the Mobilization Magic Tool to get them back in the gym performing as hard as they possible can.

Buy massage tools
People buy massage tools like the mobilization Magic Tool to get the following benefits:
Perform Better
Resolve Pain
Speeds up recovery and decreases DOMS
Increases blood flow
Clears lactic acid
Breaks up scar tissue
Releases Knots/ Trigger Points
Increase Range of Movement
You can get your Mobilization Magic Tool from

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