Working 9 To 5 Is An Antiquated Relic From The Past And Should Be Stopped Right Now

2 years ago

Since remote work has shown that it is beneficial for both workers and management, it makes sense to see what other standardly accepted practices need to be adjusted. Why is it necessary to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., five days a week, in a sterile cubicle farm with harsh fluorescent lights, little access to window views, sitting in uncomfortable chairs, poor ventilation and its either too hot or cold?

Instead of the 9-to-5, it would make more sense for companies to ask their employees what type of schedules would work best for them.

With the mass resignations taking place, it's clear that workers are voting with their feet. Smart, progressive and forward-thinking companies will scuttle the 9-to-5 schedules, in a bid to attract job seekers.

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