2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2018: News Trends & Stories, Part II

2 years ago

This coming week we continue our publication of the 2nd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell will join me to discuss News Trends & Stories, Part II. We review the top stories in Culture, Science & Technology, Space, and Food & Health Here are our picks:


Story #12: Can Chinese “Rule of Law” Attract Financial Liquidity?
Story #13: Family Wealth: Asia For; the West Against
Story #14: Promoting Women: The Rise of the Asian Consumer
Science & Technology

Story #15: Inhumanism: Censorship & the AI Invasion
Story #16: 5G, Cybersecurity & the AI Invasion
Story #17: The Ionized Sky & the AI Invasion
Story #18: The Falling Cost of Renewable Energy

Story #19: The Space Race
Food & Health

Story #20: Food & Health: Disappearing Disclosure & the AI Invasion

Before closing, we also cover UnAnswered Questions, Inspiration & Go Local.

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