Cyber Symposium Finding

3 years ago

Many people have made the claim that the United States Presidential Election was hacked by China but they have provided no factual evidence to support these claims.
Undoubtedly, the most vocal of those making this claim is Mike J Lindell, or "The Pillow Guy".
Mike Lindell has made the claim that the United States Presidential Election was riddled with fraud. Among the most damning accusation he has made was that China "hacked the voting machines" and "swithced votes" that were intended for the incumbent President Donald J Trump by taking those votes and then awarding them to Joseph R Biden.
The "patented fill" My Pillow Guy claimed to have irrefuteable proof that these events transpired in the form of "captured data packets" that were intercepted by "white hat hackers" that once worked for the United States Government.
Much of what Mike J Lindell released in the ensuing months fell flat with most cyber security experts and with the media.
Mike has been ridiculed for spreading conspiracy theories which the mainstream media has labeled as totally false and baseless.
In response to this ridicule, Mike J Lindell organized an exclusive event which he labeled the "Cyber Symposium". The event was to be exclusively invite only and was meant to draw in technology experts as well as state level politicians and media representatives to document the event and it's findings.
Mike J Lindell vowed to release the raw data alleged to have been captured by the white hat hackers. He then offered up a 5 million dollar reward for anyone that could disprove the evidence.
The mainstream media will undoubtedly attempt to dicredit any information which has come from the event. Outlets such as CNN, MSNBC and FOX have all reported that the event was a flop. They also falsely reported that one of the cyberteam leaders defected and disproved the evidence. The lead false story today is that Steve Bannon called the event a mistake.
The Steve Bannon video is easily available online and you can make the assesment for yourself.
Although the event was very hard to follow, and it will take some time to compile all of the information and properly categorize it into a digestable form, some key events did occur that call for some serious investigation.
I am certain that by now, you have heard of the Mesa Colorado county clerk, Tina Peters as she has been in every headline related to the election since the start of the event. Agents raided her home while she was mid-air in route to the Cyber Symposium event. The story in the mainstream media was that a password was leaked online that made the voting machines vunerable and therefore the machines were no longer useable and had to be replaced.
Without getting to far off the actual evidence, I can assure you that there is way more to this story and I encourage you to research it.
While her office and that of her colleage were being raided by Law Enforcement Agents, cyber experts were analyzing a forensic image that showed the exact state of the machine in Mesa County and what they found was shocking to say the least.
As one cyber expert discovered the hack, he proclaimed "It is no wonder they didn't want us to have this!".
What they found was a batch file in the system. It is the most basic of hacks a person can use to infiltrate a sysytem.
Before we go further, let's take a look at what a batch file is.
A batch file or batch job is a collection, or list, of commands that are processed in sequence often without requiring user input or intervention. It is saved as a . b a t file and injected into the system the hacker wishes to penetrate.
The experts at the Cyber SYmposium found one of these files on the Mesa Arizona machine. The file had been injected just prior to the Presidential election and after the machine had been certified. This batch file they found instructed the database to remove all security restrictions leaving the database, where the votes are stored, totally vunerable.
This batch file raises several concerns.
First, any alterations to the machines software requires recertification to ensure it is still operating properly at keeping track of whom voted for who. Without this certification, the actual election cannot be legally certified.
Second, there is no valid reason why a batch file would need to go into the database and remove all security restrictions. The authorized users and stewards of that database would have password access already. The only ones that would need this type of entry point would be nefarious actors.
This is concrete and irrefuteable proof of tampering with the Presidential election.
This discovery demands a total forensic audit of every county in the United States.
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