ROS Prototype to Production, part 1: Introduction

2 years ago

The Turtlebot 2 is the go-to robotic platform for people learning ROS. Not just because there's no time needed for researching components and writing the necessary software to build your own, but because this is what the ROS community has standardized around. It already has numerous ROS packages written for it, as well as its own set of excellent tutorials on the ROS wiki.

This situation makes it the perfect guinea pig for the ROS blog series I’ve been itching to write: taking your ROS prototype to production with snaps and Ubuntu Core. This series will cover the following topics:

- ROS production: our prototype [2/5]
Creating an example prototype using classic Ubuntu and ROS Kinetic.

- ROS production: our prototype as a snap [3/5]
Packaging that prototype as a snap.

- ROS production: obtaining confined access to the Turtlebot [4/5]
Creation of a gadget snap to allow explicit access to the Turtlebot.

- ROS production: create an Ubuntu Core image with our snap preinstalled [5/5]
Creation of an image that is ready for the factory.

In part 1, we discuss why Ubuntu Core is such a good fit for production robotics.

Blog version available here: .

Music: Rubik by Mosaik (

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