The Message Part 28: William Branham and Clem Davies

3 years ago

This examines the impact Clem Davies had on William Branham's "Message" ministry, including doctrine, support, campaign tours with Avak Hagopian, associations and organizations fundamental to Branham's early career, and Branham's first campaign manager. It also examines Clem Davies' ties to white supremacy, British Israelism, Christian Identity, and the Ku Klux Klan.

Names discussed in this video:
• Clem Davies
• Gordon Lindsay
• Tatos Kardashian
• Avak Hagopian
• Roy E. Davis

Topics discussed in this video:
• The "White Negro", a comedian telling jokes about African Americans that Willard Collins claimed to be William Branham's favorite comedy
• Kardashian ties to the Healing Revival
• Kardashian support of Avak Hagopian and WIlliam Branham
• Kardashian support of Clem Davies
• Clem Davies support of Avak Hagopian's tours (which WIlliam Branham allegedly participated in)
• Christian Identity / Serpent's Seed
• Clem Davies ties to British Israelism
• Clem Davies British Israelism
• Clem Davies early ministry in Victoria B.C.
• Clem Davies promotion of prophecy and rejection of organized religion
• Clem Davies white supremacy
• Clem Davies promotion of the Ku Klux Klan
• Clem Davies' (censored) sermons promoting Christian Identity
• Gordon Lindsay's involvement with Clem Davies' British-Israelism groups
• Branham's claim that Christian Identity (Serpent's Seed) was a revelation
• Christian Identity ties to cults, white supremacy, secret societies, hate groups, British Israelism
• William Branham's troubling statements against Jews
• William Branham's troubling statements about Jews being excluded from the Gospel
• Similarities between Clem Davies' subject matter and William Branham's subject matter: Red Scare, Russia fear, Doomsday Predictions, Pyramidology, more
• Vacations, cruises with the revivalists
• William Branham's strategy as publisher of The Voice of Healing
• Voice of Healing's policy to promote other "faith healers"
• Similarities between Gordon Lindsay's use of numerology for doomsday prediction, William Branham's use of the same, and Clem Davies use of the same
• Roy Davis' involvement in the Third Wave of the Ku Klux Klan, and Clem Davies apparent involvement in the same.
• William Branham's well-written articles in 1948 Voice of Healing (While claiming to have a 6th-grade education)
• William Branham's 1954 doomsday prediction
• William Branham's 1962 doomsday prediction
• William Branham's 1977 doomsday prediction
• The effect it had on the Sharon Orphanage, and Latter Rain

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