Dr. Robert Malone _ The Liberty Forum - 8/10/2021

3 years ago

The revolution will be televised, on Rumble. This is by far the clearest explanation I've seen on the current situation. Some key points:

*Masks don't work (security theater)
*The government has no real workable strategy
*N95 Masks and 100% vacinnations will not stop spread
*Mass vaccination strategy will not work and may be in fact driving variants through selective pressure and immune escape
*"The Noble Lie" codified in the federal register. have to watch video to believe it
*Boards of big pharma, big tech, big media extremely intertwined
*Censorship of professionals via media and threatening of licenses revoked
*Video message from top virologist in UK on path forward (a realistic strategy)
*Strategy formulated by Peter Navarro, Dr. Malone, and other professionals
*Strategy should be to treat the sick (with cheap repurposed drugs included) and keep people out of the hospital
*Let the virus run its course through the healthy. Once again, elimination of virus through vaccination impossible
*Novavax not looking promising based on current formulation
*What the data is telling us
*Much, much more

A must watch if what is sought is clarity of the current situation

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