The Spider And The Fly (John Mingolla)

2 years ago

A melancholy, contemplative, multidisciplinary music video (painting, sculpture, photography, video, design, music) for those sad silent and grey Sundays.

When I first heard this great piece of music and lyrics I was touched and had to "reply" in my humble way. Thank you! Stone Cold Fox and Kevin Olken for the inspiration. Profit or copyright infringement were never "floating, turning round my mind". Are you the Spider or the fly?

La première fois que j'ai entendu ce superbe morceau de musique et ses paroles, j'ai été touché et j'ai dû "répondre" avec humilité. Je vous remercie! Stone Cold Fox et Kevin Olken pour l'inspiration. Les profits ou les atteintes aux droits d’auteur n’ont jamais été "flottants, renversant mon esprit". Es-tu l'araignée ou la mouche?

Quando ho ascoltato per la prima volta questo fantastico pezzo di musica e testi, sono stato toccato e ho dovuto "rispondere" nel mio umile modo. Grazie! Stone Cold Fox e Kevin Olken per l'ispirazione. La violazione del profitto o del copyright non è mai stata "fluttuante, mi ha fatto cambiare idea". Sei il ragno o la mosca?

"The Spider And The Fly" Video, vocals and guitar: John Mingolla, Piano: Nicolas Garon. Original song by Kevin Olken and Stone Cold Fox.

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