APACT: 2021/08/11 - Stupid People Or Sinful People - And How To Deal With Them

3 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the seemingly systemic stupidity that has overtaken our society--where it comes from and possibly where it's leading. The saddest part is, unlike historic times of stupidity, this wave has saturated even the Catholic church. How does one deal with such stupidity when it's apparent that the person is cooperating with it?

In the news, wild fires are spanning across the globe. California, Italy, Algeria, Russia--the flames are everywhere. And even in places that are not aflame, the heat is unbearable. France to enforce vaccination IDs. Apple will keep a sharp eye out for kiddie-porn. Americans and British warned to leave Afghanistan before Taliban takes over completely. Priest is murdered by arsonist in France. Grieg Seafood apologizes for killing 96,000 fish. Murderous governor Cuomo is stepping down. Justin Trudeau provides arms to terrorists. YouTube suspends Senator Rand Paul.

Now available: "I'd rather be at the TLM" shirts.

In the land of nonsense, woman strikes back with seagull attacks. Bigfoot scares birthday boy. Canadian pays $96 for a painting worth $20,000. Dental tool mistaken for cobra. Splatter painting is ruined… by more splatter.

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