Kevin Costner explains why 'Field of Dreams' has stood test of time.

2 years ago

Kevin Costner explains why 'Field of Dreams' has stood test of time.
Does Kevin Costner get teary-eyed when watching the "Field of Dreams" movie all these years?
Without a doubt.
Even 32 years after its release, he still feels that tug in his gut watching the beloved baseball film.
“I’m moved by it.
I am,” he said during a press conference Thursday before the Yankees and White Sox met in the first "Field of Dreams" game not far from where the movie was filmed.
“Somewhere along the line, if you have some unfinished business, that movie starts to take over.”
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That grabbed him during the last scene of the movie.
He asked his father, “Do you want to have a catch?”

And play catch they did, and Costner even acknowledged Thursday the backstory to the Midwest awkward, “Do you want to have a catch?” line.
“It was like fingers on a chalkboard to me,” he said.

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