The Domestic Censorship Infrastructure of the Corrupt US Government & Big Tech

3 years ago

Dr. Shiva (Inventor of email) details the corruption of Government and Big Tech, who have teamed up in a Fascist relationship from hell, to censor Americans and silence our Free Speech!

We have allowed this to continue for over 5 years now. It is destroying our country and allowing #Criminals to literally get away with Murder!

These corrupt individuals have lied to you and lied to all of America, and silenced ANYONE who attempts to expose them!

If YOU are not being silenced yet, it's only because they are too busy attacking Trump supporters! But let there be NO DOUBT YOUR TIME WILL SOON COME!

As soon as they have trampled our rights and put us all in prison....... Do you REALLY believe that you are not next?

We must UNITE as Americans! Democrat or Republican or Independent does NOT MATTER! We are ALL Americans, and we are ALL LOSING OUR COUNTRY!

You'll wake up one day soon to discover that China now runs America!
China don't care much about your rights or your freedoms!

China WILL KILL YOU to harvest your organs!
We are dealing with PURE #Evil! You MUST see it, and you MUST FIGHT IT! EVERY AMERICAN MUST GET TO WORK!

We have corrupt politicians in America who have combined forces with the Chinese and others to DESTROY AMERICA and YOU!

It is WW3 RIGHT NOW! And we are the soldiers!

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