John Pavlovitz Part 3 of 4 - "The Party We'll Have in Hell"

2 years ago

On September 17, 1965, the first episode of Hogans Heroes came on the air.
The World war two sitcom would mock and poke fun at the Nazi military during world war two; the stage takes place at the fictitious Luft stalag 13.
Arguably one of the more famous and recognizable characters of the show was the meek Sergeant Hans Schultz.
A middle-aged German Airforce sergeant whose responsibility was to ensure that the US prisoners, under the command of Colonel Wilhelm Klink, played by Werner Klemperer, were kept under control.
Colonel Robert Hogan, the highest-ranking US soldier in the camp, played by Bob Crane would be the smooth popular, well-liked, and respected leader of The Prisoners of the camp.
The show often had Sgt. Schultz coming into conflict with his duties as a German soldier when Schultz would look the other way when seeing a violation occur from Col. Hogan.
The famed line from Sgt. Schultz would follow. "I hear nothing, I see nothing, and I know Nothing."
It's hard not to laugh at the ridiculous line and even more hard not to laugh at the whole plot of the show.
A sitcom show that mocks Nazis is one thing; it's another thing when you turn the lovable character of John Banner Sgt. Schultz, into the God of the world. It's no longer funny when you turn a Holy and righteous God into a goof, who will look in another direction, even when the acts are against the very nature of a Holy and Just God.
It is in this context that we now advance to John Pavlovitz.

In the non-sitcom world of the '20s from the 2000s, we find our world very different from that of the 1960s and the 1940's. Times have changed, and many of these changes are now going directly after the core foundation of being Christian. Many self-professing Christians are now identifying not with Christian teaching but with secular society's teachings. One of the worst "Christian" leaders championing secular society's teaching; over Scripture is the deceived man named John Pavlovitz.
A recap on John Pavlovitz heresy thus far.
1) Jesus is not God; John is a unitarian. Unitarian's deny the deity of Jesus and often separate Christ from the old testament.
2) Genesis is not history but poetry; therefore, God's creation account can be rejected for man's tradition on evolution. This includes rejecting Gen 2:24 and rejecting Genesis 3 the fall.
This now leads to John's 3rd heresy;
3) God is not Holy, and therefore there is no Hell.
The unitarian pastor believes that God is so loving that God punishing people can not happen.
God loves you so much that you bring him to his knees like a week parent who can't discipline their children b/c they love them too much.
In other words, John has turned God into the very thing that God accuses men of doing, turning the created things into idolatry. (See. Roman 1:18-32)
John Jesus or God? Always take the Sgt. Schultz position.
"I hear nothing, I see nothing, and I know nothing."
The below is a section out of Johns' blog titled.
"The Party We'll Have in Hell"

"And after that moment I began taking note of the vast multitudes I'd also been taught were similarly condemned:

My Jewish friends from the gym.
The Muslim couple down the street from our home.
The gay couple I'd once worked for in college.
My atheist friends from high school.
My non-Born Again classmates from childhood.
Every non-Christian who ever lived.
Thousands of authors, musicians, philosophers, and thinkers who'd inspired me.
Gandhi and Buddha and everyone from their faith traditions.
An estimated 67 percent of the people on the planet right now.
Lots of good people are in hell—
This is the mindset of millions of Christians I know, who contend that you can be loving, decent, generous, compassionate, and forgiving—and God will still punish you with eternal damnation if you don't pray the right prayer to Jesus. In other words, they truly believe and teach that God doesn't care as much about whether or not you are a good person, as about the prayer you pray. They will tell you without hesitation and with complete conviction—that what you believe means more than what you do."

Even the most novelist Christian should see the vast problems with Pavlovitz comments.
From his ridiculous Good person claim, to the "Just say the prayer claim."
Pavlovitz perceptions are influenced not by Scripture but by culture, personal feelings, and experiences with people he has interacted with. Pavlovitz has determined that people are Good, on how outwardly Good they're actions are towards people. Therefore, if someone treats Pavlovitz according to the standard not set out by God, but set out by Pavlovitz then people should be sent right to heaven.
Of course, Pavlovitz builds himself as the golden cow as he rejects the first Commandment: Love your God with all your heart and soul and mind. A Christians understanding why people being sent to Hell should never come from a persons own personal feelings. the bible never gives us this kind of flexibility. The reason for this is clear.
Jeremiah 17:9
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

People being sent to Hell has nothing to do with your interaction with a person or someone treating you nice.
The standard for all Christians is the standard that God sets out for mankind. The ten commandments. And it is without the guesswork, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Muslim couple down the street from John has not lived up to the ten commandments. No one has.
The lovable character of Sgt. Schultz "I hear nothing" character is hilarious on TV; On the other hand it is absolute heresy to attribute God's character to the fictitious character of Sgt. Schultz. In this short film, we explain why.

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