How does Occam’s razor relate to Roofing? With #RolfTheRoofingGuy

3 years ago

How does Occam’s razor relate to Roofing?

In simplest terms Occam’s razor reflects the philosophy that the simplest answer to a question is probably the right answer.

In January, the answer for most building owners in need of a new roof was to tear off the old, insulate and reroof with a new TPO roof. About 50% the roofs went in this way. Easy.

Many owners are now frustrated that because due to material shortages they can’t get a new roof, and are concerned because when they do, the cost has gone way up.

So no now they are worried about what to do.

There are hundreds of other choices out there, whether they be:
· Liquid-applied
· Other membranes (EPDM, Mod Bit, PVC, Built-up)
· Overlay vs. tear-off
· Repairs and Service

And the Silver Lining in each of those choices is that they may give an owner better options as it relates to #sustainability, #recycling and #environmental decisions.

The answer to Occam’s razor as it relates to roofs is different today than it was in January. What is the right answer for you?

If you’d like to explore more, let me know, and we can set up a conversation.

Rolf Snobeck, RRC
#RolfTheRoofingGuy, Helping you make better #roofing (and #management) decisions.
Tecta America Commercial Roofing

#facilitiesmanagement #facilities #coatingso

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