Gigantic Moray Eel #shorts

2 years ago

Gigantic Moray Eel #shorts
YT channel link
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The giant moray is carnivorous, and does most of its hunting at night. ... Moray eels are the only fish that use pharyngeal jaws to capture prey. Their main hunting tool is their excellent sense of smell which makes up for their poor eyesight. This means that weakened or dead creatures are the moray eel's favoured food.
They are apt to attack humans only when disturbed, but then they can be quite vicious. Moray eels are usually vividly marked or colored. They generally do not exceed a length of about 1.5 meters (5 feet), but one species, Thyrsoidea macrurus of the Pacific, is known to grow about 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) long.
#morayeel #carnivorous #massivefish #eel #GerrysPassion #DeepOcean
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