MoneyMarketMantics Stock Options LIVE Market Action for Learning

2 years ago

MoneyMarketMantics Stock Options LIVE Market Action for Learning

There is no easier way to learn options than to spend time with me. It's hard to follow the people who teach options. It gets boring and monotonous trying to follow the way options, and options chains and IV and the many terms that mean nothing to someone just getting started. But the terms I use on the regular are a bit different than those regular terms the rest of the market uses. I use terms designed to be understood by anyone. And my actions will naturally show you how it works, in an intuitive way.

Don’t believe me, I dare you to sit around and see how long you can watch for before you get the itch to try yourself, a very small bet. See, first, I call these bets, while many people don’t like that terminology. So they use investment and position. But really, its a bet. It's not an asset, like a stock. Unless you count contracts that will expire any day, an option. With options, you have a specific area you are headed. A goal in mind. A mission at hand. When you forget that mission, you will have a harder time making it to the finish line.

I can teach you what I know and do it for free and have it translated. What I don’t know, we learn together, and in time, we master what we do. We master many things. I am your HappyHealer lover and that is how we master life and master our happiness. By learning passions that bring us closer to the community and keep us growing and vibrant in every aspect in life, including politics. I am running for President. It's very important we pull ourselves from the brink.

God bless you and see you at 9am. I may come on earlier if I can, we have a lot to cover before the market opens. We have a ton to cover. Be sure to take notes in the morning. Lots to cover and I think you will want to take notes. These morning openers that I spend setting up the day is paramount to our success. See you soon!

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