Morcheeba - Slow Down 慢一點

3 years ago

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【Erotic Lounge 2】
Music Blog

音樂家:VA (許多音樂家)
專輯: Erotic Lounge Vol.2
國家: 英國
廠牌: Sony
年份: 2004年
風格: Trance 出神音樂 | Lounge 沙發音樂

Erotic Lounge是Sony唱片出品的一套非常不錯的沙發音樂集,而這張以爵士+電子風格為主調的尤為精品。毋庸置疑,該碟是一張絕妙絕倫的“夜唱片”,當一切變為夜的顏色,情慾如同一股暗流在音符中涌動不息,誘惑魅力當真是無可抵擋,在四目相對,柔情浪漫時播放再適合不過,拋開其所強調的情慾因素不談,此碟也算得Lounge裡不可多得的收藏品。

CD1: Soft & Lazy
01. Boozoo Bajou - Second To None
02. Bob Harz - What We Are
03. Malia Feat. Eric Truffaz - Yellow Daffodils
04. Morcheeba - Slow Down ★
05. De-Phazz Feat. Pat Appleton - Anchorless
06. J. P. Juice - Fukai
07. Zero Noel - Mes Yeux Fermes
08. Afterlife - Breather (Eric Kupper Mix)
09. The Dining Rooms - Dreamy Smiles
10. Ive Mendes - Nao Vou Fugir
11. Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Mix)
12. Naomi - White
13. Alex Gopher - Quiet Storm
14. Vargo - Get Back To Serenity (Beach Mix)
15. Bank & Jones - Beyond Time (Ambient Edit)

CD2: Quick And Dirty
01. Tosca - fuck me me me Dub
02. Truby Trio Feat. Marcus Begg - Lover Uncovered
03. Emo - First Time Experiences
04. Les Gammas - Outra Vida
05. Randy Crawford - Give Me The Night (Chill Night Mix)
06. The Maxwell Implosion - Tic Tac (Jet Sound Remix)
07. Vienna Dc - Dope Control
08. Smith & Mighty - Maybe It's Me
09. Solasoap - Look Around
10. Trio Electrico - Echo Parcours
11. Nicola Conte - Fica Mal Com Deus
12. S-Tone Inc. - In The Mood For Love
13. Megablast - Love Is Always There
14. Mo'horizons - Gonna Be (Ben Human Remix)
15. Shazz Feat. Alec C. - Fallin' In Love

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