Basic Cat Training Ideas

2 years ago

The cat is a very independent animal, and many cat owners will tell you that it is because of this independence that the cat is such a good housemate. Cats do not require as much attention as dogs. And, unlike dogs, most cats will often wait for you to come to them rather than running around trying to catch your attention.
All of this means that the cat is a laid-back creature who is polite and self-assured. However, this also implies that training a cat can be difficult. If you and your cat don't agree on a certain type of behavior, it may be difficult to get him to do things your way. Don't give up hope, though; it's not impossible to change your cat's behavior.

For obvious reasons, the very first training you'll want to give your cat will be in using the litter box.

Is it possible to train a cat? The answer is a resounding "Yes!" but only on feline terms. Everything in this video is intended to help you see the world through the eyes of your cat, which is an important step in training. You can train a cat to jump through hoops or roll over on command. However, teaching him to stay within the boundaries of acceptable behavior is a more valuable training goal.

You can imagine how time-consuming the process of deciphering the language was. We've been working on this careful cat-to-human language process for three and a half years. Have we been successful in establishing a mutual verbal understanding between parent and child, human and cat?


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