Pelosi to Delay House Vote on Senate Infrastructure Bill | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

Pelosi to Delay House Vote on Senate Infrastructure Bill | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Matt Stout – Georgia Political Operative ( Knocking on doors! )
1) Senate passes Budget Resolution outlining $3.5T of new spending. – Sen(s) Manchin and Sinema say not so fast
2) CPI comes in at 5.4%
3) Oakland, CA cuts $18M from police budget during a crime wave – The Chinese community has asked Gov. Newsome to declare "State of Emergency"
4) Border crisis - Washington Post declares Biden needs as "Coherent Strategy"
*210K migrants came across in July after 190K in June – White House seems to finally recognize the problem
5) Rep Ron Kind (D) WI- district 3 announces his retirement – He is in a Red district further eroding the chances of Democrats holding the House in 2022
6) Biden approval at 49% and falling
7) Cuomo gave 14-day notice – Puzzling?
8) GA Senate Update from Matt Stout and the current status of politics in swing state Georgia

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