Will it be Visible in India? Here’s Where and When to Watch Annual Celestial Event Online.

2 years ago

Will it be Visible in India?
Here’s Where and When to Watch Annual Celestial Event Online.
Star-gazers are in for a treat as the annual Perseid Meteor shower will be lighting up the skies from August 11 to 13 this year.
It will peak on August 12.
According to a report published in CNET, this show occurs around this time each year since the Earth drifts through a debris cloud left behind by the giant comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.
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What is Perseid meteors?
Perseid meteors get its name from the point at which they appear to hail in the constellation Perseus of the northern sky.
The meteor shower is said to be the leftover debris of the Comet Swift-Tuttle.
It is an annual event when the Earth passes through the path of the large comet between July 17 to August 24 with the comet particles passing through the atmosphere at a velocity of 1,30,000 miles per hour or 37 miles (59 km) per second.

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