Hell's Freezing Over! Even the Fake News Media can't ignor we have friends in high places

2 years ago

We have nothing to fear from our friends in high places. When you research for yourself you'll find heaps of evidence of UFO's. They're only seen because they want to be seen. Expect more sightings as we move forward and don't fall for the fake narrative that these craft are hostile, if that were the case WE wouldn't be here to tell the story.

The military has been covering up UFO sightings forever. Part of the cover up involves the reverse engineering of UFO craft. They get to the crash site fast, begin the cover up and then confiscate the craft for reverse engineering. So yes, some are reverse engineered though most are real and are waiting for us to wake up. People will start opening up about seeing UFO's more often now as the stigma is being removed around sightings

It's a vast universe out there and it's teeming with life

I personally greet them with open arms

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