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Sociopaths use our open minds against us

3 years ago

You may consider yourself to be open-minded — receptive to different opinions and ideas, willing to consider multiple points of view before making a decision. Know that sociopaths view your fairness as a weakness to exploit.

Donna Andersen, author of Lovefraud.com, teaches you to get smart about everyday sociopaths — the master manipulators who live all around us. In this episode, she explains how sociopaths use your reasonableness, ambivalence or uncertainty against you.

This is a live streaming show, so ask your questions by chat and Donna will answer. Also:

1. If you want to discuss your situation with someone who may be a sociopath, Donna Andersen offers private, personal consultations.


2. Get Donna Andersen's books, including "Understanding the Sociopath" and "Seduced by a Sociopath."


3. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers webinars for survivors and therapists.


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