Italy GREEN PASS protests - Simona Cochi covering Byoblu24 livestreaming

2 years ago

Simona Cochi covering the live stream by Byoblu24 (webtv founded by Claudio Messora) on green pass protests in Italy. The so-called LASCIAPASSARE in the second world war is an antidemocratic certificate that currently italians have to show to enter in different public offices and venues.
Protests and riots in all the country to fight back this unconstitutional measure.
Roberto Nuzzo (ex former military aeronautics officer) and Avv Margherita Matrella (leading italian lawer) are supporting the italians with important legal tools and information
Telegram channels:
Roberto Nuzzo
Avv Margherita Matrella

Simona Cochi The Italian Way Youtube
International Press

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