Taking Accountability: How 3,000 Mg Of Edible Cannabis Propelled Me To Quit Suboxone

3 years ago

My name is Andy Girard, I am 35 years old, I have recoved from a bad heroine addiction (among a great many other addictions), I am a suicide survivor, & I am happy & proud to say that I am very much alive! I just moved from Massachusetts to Charlotte, NC, to be with my girlfriend, Judith, who is the most beautiful, sweet, kind, compassionate person you would ever meet, & I got here on Christmas Day, 12/25/2020. In 2020, I came to Charlotte four times (Jan 20, Mar 20, Apr 20, & May 20) to visit my girlfriend, & I had never once noticed these homeless tent cities that I am now currently (Jan 21) seeing absolutely everywhere! THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE! It's beyond heartbreaking on so many levels, & these people's lives matter, their stories matter! They are human beings, & our fellow brothers & sisters. Are we just going to forget about them & throw them away? We are only as strong as the weakest among us, & we are deeply & intimately connected on so many levels, so when one person is suffering, we are all suffering. The Government & the lockdowns did this! Don't ever forget it!
If you would like to understand my story in more detail, I encourage you to checkout my YouTube channel, 'Go Within To Get Out,' & my backup channel, 'Go Within To Get Out - Censored,' to learn more. Podcast #6 that I did with my friend Mason Gleason, which can be found on my backup channel, is a good place to start. I am trying to tell my story of the evil, heinous things I did as a drug addict, & more importantly, how I was able to get to a place of true healing, & true forgiveness. We cannot see what is wrong with the external world until we can look within ourselves & ask the question - What have I done to contribute to the evil we are seeing in the world? What kind of evil have I cast out into the world?

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/documentar...

To kickoff fundraising efforts, I will be doing exactly what the government & our corportate controllers don't want me to do, I will be donating my $600 "stimulus" check, which they have stolen from us anyways, to get the project kicked off. I am not even sure that I received said check yet, but I plan on donating that much either way. I want no part of taking their blood money, & these people who are now homeless because of said government desperately need it more than I do. My plan is to go into these numerous tent cities with a camera, & help give these people a voice & tell their stories of how they got there, because their stories matter, & their lives matter. I don't have much, I am in debt up to my eye balls myself, but I so desperately want to do something more meaningful with my time & what little resources I do have, so here I am.
I am in the very crude stages of this project, & this Go Fund Me is me literally thinking out loud, but I MUST DO SOMETHING!
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; Their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." Saint Augustine.
Thank you all so very deeply for your support, from the bottom of my heart, & please join me in this fight to recover our humanity, & show the world what human beings are truly capable of. We are not simply robots, who thnk nothing, & who feel nothing. We are all HUMAN BEINGS, who think different things, & feel different things, & were intelligently designed to be unique. There is not a more important time in our human story that we all must understand that than right here & now. We must fight back against this fascistic, technocratic takeover of our society. We must fight the deception & lies. Let's stand for truth, stand for love, & stand for freedom. Our childrens lives, our grandchildrens lives, & our lives, depend on it!


If you feel so inclined, PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE.

I have aspirations of quitting my current soul stealing corporate job & doing activism, healing, & reporting full time. If you think this project, & me, are worth supporting, then please help enable & fuel me to get my basic needs met, so I can be the warrior I know I can truly be & dedicate 100% of my time to this epic last stand for freedom, & for our very humanity.

If you think this kind of work, this kind of open, honest communication is worth supporting, please consider donating to my PayPal: https://paypal.me/agirard978?locale.x...


Much Love
-Andy Girard-
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