Sugar - The Bitter Truth about Low-Calorie Diets

3 years ago

Most people believe that all that is necessary to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and exercise more to burn off calories. University of California Professor Robert Lustig, M.D., explains why this ‘calories-in, calories-out’ concept is false and why most diet programs do not work. He shows how some carbohydrates, called sucrose and fructose, convert into body fat even more so than fatty foods do. He explains how this process also causes the symptoms of ‘metabolic syndrome’, which include abnormally high blood pressure, blood sugar, belly fat, and triglyceride levels. When these sugars are stripped of their fiber content to increase marketability, the brain no longer recognizes them as food and does not receive a satiation signal that turns off the feeling of hunger, which leads to overeating even when the stomach is full. 2009 Jul 30

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