Colorado Election Officials detail the corruption within their state

2 years ago

Jenna Griswold - Secretary of State of Colorado executed a search warrant of the election official
Sean Smith: Sec of State is drunk with power. Jena Griswald is between Colorado citizens and the truth.
Tina Peters - Bring me the information and I will look at it .
Mesa County is the last bastion of freedom in Colorado. Questioning why [they] have sole access to the passwords that access the BIOS.
I have passwords to get into the systems. Why do they have passwords to get into the back door of my machines that I do not have. This Grants them access to the BIOS. (Reference CM Drop Re: BIOS Whistle blower vid
Secretary of State Jenna Griswold has chosen to weaponize her office
Over 5000 dead people voted in Colorado
We the people are the solution.


Hackers shown to be using 2010 Voter Rolls
25,000 Non-residents voted in 2020

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